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I wont tell anybody
Wont tell anybody
I don't need A Parachute
Baby if I got u
Friday, April 30, 2010 5:29 PM

hey readers!!
Just now i had my Mt paper.. hmmm..quite easyy!! About peribahase.. i manage to do 2 question.. the rest buat sembarang je..haha!! hope can pass!! haha after tat got listening comprehesion at lvl 2 near hall, kiter ade lah cary mane je mt room 2...haha. penat sey....haiyooo!! corek teinge btl2 eh?? haha.. wah!! tk boley dgr btl.. psl bdk laki sume buat bising.. isk!! exam pon boley buat bising.!!wth!! hmph...after tat i had my lunch or breakfast.. mkn mee rebus!! sedap!! tuh!! haha..ok.. after tat at around 10.. got oral at 5s1 room.. haha.. sec 4 pon ade. naseb tk same timing..!! haha. hmph.. my oral was quite ok.. lah.. haha.. i'm the llast and only girl in my class!! haha.. ok.. tomoro is my lovely DAddy's birthday!! wat to do for his bday?? hmph.. yes!! tomoro go changi wif famly!!!! WEEEEE~~~ hahahaha.. *thumbs up*hahaa. tk sabar nk photoshoot.. haha.. ok.. tat all for today!! bye bye!! * wave*:)

Monday, April 26, 2010 12:06 PM

Hey there!! :)
ok.. long tyme no updates!! haha..Now at Com lab...having CPA. Just now i having my english...well the weather seems to be so bad sey.. thunder everywhere ...Shock sia..haha..DAMN LOUD!! haha.. ok after tat cpa..Ok tis is so embrassing to me..haha.. when i reach to my sit.. sunddenlly i fell down.. PAISEY SEY!! GOD!! ppl gether around.. ask me" are ok??" Irritating sey!! and i got to know tat isYUSOFF!! SHIT YOU LAH YUSOFF!! BABI SEY KAU!! DIAM UH!!. i really thought is Alvin but Wrong person.!! hahaha.. Shoot!! my butt hurts sey!! shit!! hah. i hate you lah YUSOFF!!! but do forgive hym...as he is not going to do tat to me again..!! haha. ok.. gtg..now stay tuned !!:)
much love!!:)

Sunday, April 25, 2010 1:01 PM

ok..yesterdae i went out wif Atikah again?? why always her? haha.. yesterdae seem to be only herr can go so.. what to do.. Ok i ask Syahirah..wether she can go or not.. but then she have friendly match yesterdae.. awww.. but nehmind..hahanext tyme will do.. haha.. then i ask Dayah..at first she said can..find out last min cannot..coz she got chalet at changi..watever..two was out.. and one left..which is atikahWOOHHOOO!! naseb baek kau bloley atikah!!! haha.. ok.. We went to Woodlands library..haha far i noe..( byk2 library gy2 nye) hahahaha.!! LOl.. at there was so many ppl.. tat we could'nt find a place to sit sey.. hmph!at last we went to level 1.. ade jugak tmpt boley bljr.. haha. actually kiter bljr math.. then atikah have no mood to study math! nme too.. so we took same pics.. hah no tat many lyke we took at Vivo or 313..haha.. bored sey.. after tat we wal around Causewaypoint(boring)!! haha. then we go McDonalds have our lunch!! fuh!! haha.. after tat we wen to Royalty sport.. i wanna check new shoes there... hmmm..guess wat i saw nike shoes sey..only $69.90(if i'm not wrong).. Lawa gyler babi sey..!! DAD i wan tat haha..then atikah is find a bag for our coming up camp.. there is one..Puma..cost about $49.90-59.90 wah!! Nice !! lyke it.. haha.. one dae i wan to buy..hahaa..ater tat we so bored tat we intend to go AMK Hub..haha.about 4or 5 station..only.. haha.. we look around.. and we saw COTTON ON& RUBI SHOES..UHHH!! so we went in and i admired tis dress and vest.. the vest cost about $29.90..so mahal.. haha..blahblah...then we go Rubi shoes!! fuhlamak.!! i ove thier shoes..!! WoOO i want to buy the stripes one and the vintage ones!! wOW!! cool sey !! and i wan the shades!! haha..COOLL!!. ok stop it.. wait till tis end of month...haha..ok after tat we saw Sony ecricson XPERIA!! COOLL!! we wen tand try out the xperia and Vivaz!! OMG!!!! i love the Vivaz and XPERIA!!! but is so mahal.. hahaha.. ok dah puas pengang tat phone.. we jalan2 around and found tis shop....sell Puma,Vans...and many more..cooll!! then we went to tis shop some kind lyke action city shop..i saw these music machine and is cool..it cost $17.90..forget it.lah.. then atikah found and cerfiticate...and is have many kind of word..like... a sex at the beach, take a kindly picture wif me, i meal cooked by me, i whole day shoopinf wif me...and many more..it cost $8.90 hahaha..blahblah.. yesterae was quite boring coz.. exam is near..hah but is alrite.. waitt till JUNE!! we all gonna have fun!! Ca'nt wait for tat.!! fuh!! so Beware!! haha..ok tat all for today!! stay tune.. much love.. buhbye:)

Friday, April 23, 2010 5:20 PM

HEy readers
Sorry for the late update!!
ok.. jus now i went to TBUC!! haha for injection!.. haha..
b4 tat atikah,niki,ain&dayah go makan!! lapar babe!! haha.. i buy Sprite and atikah buy Coca.!! and i ate only scamble egg!! yummy!! thank mummy 4 making it for me!! love u!! haha.Niki lapr sgt so kite gy Kopitam.!! She ate yong tau fu wif rice!! FUH!! sdp tuh!! haha.. while niki eating ain n dayah go buy milkshake!! fuh!! sdp sey!! Ok after tat kite tgk niki mkn!! haha tk lah!! we wait for niki!! haha.. after tat we go kedai epok2 jual milkshake!! ain ask me to help to said for... so i say lah
Me: Auntie one Chocolate milkshakewif strawberry ice-cream
Auntie: 2 milkshake uh??
me: one only!!
then ain said herself..she help me to say..coz ma english not tat good..
Ain:auntie one choclate milkshake wif strawberry ice-cream..
auntie: one or two??
Me: one only!!
auntie: then you(ain)??
me: I want one only lah!! I help her to say..
auntie:Why u help her to say??
wah!! tis auntie tk phm bahase betol lah!!
isk3!! ok after tat, at 1.18pm.. i rushing lyke hell!! haha.. I'm surpose to meet at 1.20pm...at front porch..then i ran and i saw a bus!! Wif CONFIDENT TAT IS OUR BUS!!( bodoh sey)!! so i bought tat bus..About 2 stair..i look around!!! EH??? nie mcm bukan bus kiter je!! HSIT!! SO the paisey !! haha. i was damn PAISEY!! haha. but is okay!! then when we meet at front porch.. we waited for the chinesse ppl!! they went tp jurong point!! only tat one hour?? ( sempat pulak drg) we waited them lyke hell sia!!haha.. at 1.45pm.. the bus arrived and we bought tat bus!! sitting alone!! haha .. reached there and wait.haha.. i got my form .. then the nusre call me.. then wei xiang said: Dun cry hor!! Stupid sia!! then i said tat tis ma secong tyme coming here!!blablah.... and i get to know tat i dun have to INJECT!! Wooohooo!! best SEY!! cooll!! then went i came out..then they siad how"s the pain?? then i said i dun nid to injection COol!!.. haha.. ok tats all for today!! tired man!! hahabye.. much love!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 9:35 AM

Hey Readers!!
Ok yesterday went to Jurong East Library With Dayah,Tikah& Irah!!! haha We do some study.. Stress in our MATH!!!.Can be crazy sey about Simultaneous Equantion.!1 haiyoo!! AHHH STress!! lah.. Mid-Year Exam is coming !! Shit!! i haven't prepare anything yet for tat yeat BULLSHIT SIA!! haiyoo.. Relax Syaffyah!! fuhlamak.!!! OOk now i at Comp lab.. Reading tyme 3s10 and 3s8 went for bollywood dance!! i thought was BORED! but then is FUN!! haha.. The dance step was cool!! Bollywood/hiphop& freezestyle.!! COOL!!. Haha.. The next lesson was next week 28/4. ok.. gtg.. Stayy tune..! !much love..!!:)

Saturday, April 10, 2010 3:34 PM

hey readers!!
sorie for the late updateshor! haha..yesterday i had my MLDDS PHOTO! WOW!! Ramai sey org!! haha.. All the ppl in the hall look at us..!! haha.. for the funshot!! we so the CRAZYY!! finding Dwi like hell. For the first funshot me,ain n Afiqah.. second funshot dwi was ni the pic!!
ahaha!!.. haha! ok tat for yesterday!! bye.. take care

Sunday, April 4, 2010 6:59 PM

I seriously kesian dgn my dearly SISTA!!.. she having flu..haha PADAN MUKER DEIR..HAHA.. tk baik kan adek dier haha. she having tat flu since 1 week ago haha.. ALALA KESIAN NYE DIER. Ok she also got Sun burn( tu lah sape suroh gy Sentosa lagy) haha.. take tat!! hah! haha
take care taw.. get well soon.. Love u so the much2.. MUakz!!

6:46 PM

Hey PEEPS!!!
heY.. today not much thing to do.. haiyoo.. soo the BORED!!! MENDAK SEY!!.. pikirkan nary nk gy Woodlands Library tk jady my sis was SICK!! i ask Syahirah she can't but is ok(: maybe next ty, eh syahirah kiter gy library pat woodlands..OK sweety?? haha.. i wan to find book there.. At JURONG EAST, JURONG POINT LIBRARY BORING!!!hIYOO! TK ABES2 JURONG POINT TK JUORNG POINT,JURONG EAST MENDAK SIAL!! ISK.. haha.. so my sis follow and we wen to JURONG EAST.. NVM LOR.. next tyme we go hor..haiyoo..Kesian kan budak nie..terpakse lah gy JURONG EAST NYE!! BORED!!..HAHA.. ok.. i borrow two books. and i got FINE!!! Sial arh SHARUL!!! HANTAR LAH BALEK BUKU TU. THE FINE IS $1.80.. CPT LAH RETRUN BUKU TU.. NNTI AKU YG KENE BAYAR, BANYAK CANTIK MUKE KAU!! SIAL ARH SHARULL!! LAIN KALI AKU TK NK PINJAM KAN BUKU UNTOK KAU LAH..I'M SICK OFF IT SIA!! HAIYOOO..
tats all for today.. bored!!
take care yaw!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010 1:37 PM

Hey readers!! 2.04.2010
sorie for the late updates! so buzy going out wif Atikah! haha. ok Yesterdae we went o 313@Somerset.. haha..ok we wen to FOREVER 21 wah!! 3 level..See how cool is it.. but most of it is Expensive!! Mane lah nak cari DUIT!! haiyoo! Now i'm waititng for the Chingay Salary!! haiyoo!! Lame sak nk 2gu!! isk2.. Ok nvm lor.. ok then we wen to Cotton On& Topshop.. I bring about 11 buck..Nk beli sey 11 buck?? haiyoo..Wat if i got my Chingay salary....??? walau!! I use my 50 buck and spent sia... Topshop lah, Forever21 lah Cotton On lah.. Rubi shoes lah.. haiyooo!! boleh jady giler seey!! mcm nie!! arh!!! haiyooo!! i just can't see ppl shopping OMG!!.. ok Shudup eh.. hahaha after tat we wen to ION,OC,Lucky plaza.. Fuh penat sey..!! ok tat all for yesterdae!!
take care

This skin was brought to you by Hearts;Bleach. ok.. I hate SPAM!!

Hello hello hola hola!! Welcome to my world. Syafyyah here..Many ppl call me FIEE!!! haha tat my nickname.. my sis created.. i love chocolate,Candy& ice CREAM!!.. WHOA!! Ben&Jerry yummy.ok..tata



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